Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cool School!

It’s about that time! The days are getting shorter, the sun is getting milder, and the leaves are already starting to change.  These are all clear signs and hints of fall. For a horse with a ferocious appetite like me, this could only mean one thing… apple eating season is nearing full swing! 

Oh, and let’s not forget that kids are back to textbooks and early mornings on the bus to school. I remember those days quite well despite my older age, getting up before the sun (to plot on a little mischief for the day!), studying hard so that I could do well (in finding the best grasses in the pasture!). Of course, my favorite class was gym; the one time we had the excuse to play games all period. Because, let’s face it, you can’t say recess; it is not a real class, kids!

Have no fear, it’s Lord Nelson to the rescue! I am donning my old knight and shining armor garb and I am ready to save you from “school.” Well, kind of.  I’m not going to canter into your classroom and carry you away from your studies because if I learned one thing in school, it was not to horse around! But what I have decided to do is give you the “cool-school” refresher course on some very important horse basics!
Disclaimer: there are no tests or quizzes involved in this course. It is kid-friendly. But, you should definitely add your favorite horse basic tips in the comment box below!

Your Happy Horse!
Horse care and nutrition are fundamental aspects of the information that the Center’s research provides for you. In this past year alone, my friends at the Center have discovered many exciting things that can help make you a better horseman and horsewoman! Did you know that supplementing antioxidants prior to strenuous activity can decrease the oxidative stress your horse experiences?  That’s great news for athletic horses! Basically, we get achy muscles after a lot of exercise, just like people. But if you give your horse a little vitamin E or C, then it may not experience as much soreness. Additionally, cranberry extract has been tested to decrease inflammatory responses while ginger extract is seen to decrease recovery time.  Tasty and beneficial – sweet! 
There are always more practical tips coming from the research at the Center. This little “refresher course” was just a bit of info that you will need to know as you navigate our end of the horse world. It’s just a start, but in order to build on your knowledge of horses you must have a solid foundation in the basics. Learning from teachers who are experts in certain areas will definitely help you make the grade with your horse!   As your horse teacher, also known as the “Professor Emeritus”, I have a lot to share with you, and I look forward to teaching you more next time!

In my next blog I will continue to tell you all the basics in many different areas regarding horses, from the manure pile to the lab research. Keep checking my blog posts for new fun facts and explore my classroom for exciting ways to learn about it all at Equine Science 4 Kids!

Whoa! One more thing!  Don’t forget to leave your basic horse care and nutrition tips in the comment section below!

Your scholarly buddy,
Lord Nelson

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